We are a group of dedicated individuals who are here to assist in your journey to become a citizen of the United States of America. Just like you many of our families emigrated to this country from other locations, and the task was daunting. Things were not laid out to make it simple!

           My name is John Salman, I am a person of immigrant parents. My spouse is and immigrant who became a citizen. When I got married to my wife overseas to bring her here to this country was long difficult process. After getting everything complete it was a long 9 months for her to arrive. When she finally became a Naturalized Citizen of this great nation, and experiencing the hurdles that we had incurred, I had to figure a way to assist people like us who need help in navigating through the paperwork. My education is a degree in Criminal Justice, and one in Biology from California Coast University, I attended Law School at Irvine University College of Law, I am also a veteran who fought for this great nation. I love this country and the people that are the fabric of this great United States, however the path to getting here and staying can be very difficult if you do not complete the tasks required, if you have the incorrect documents or if the documents are not properly complete.  

         We are here to assist in keeping it simple for families to become part of this great nation by assisting them in their path to freedom. As for many of us here our spouses and families were also immigrants at one time and understanding that challenges that we faced gave me and everyone here a better understanding as to how to navigate and help people. Hanna Holdings is here to help and serve you to keep it simple so you can continue with your everyday life.